Quality control implemented in Home Office mode? It’s possible!
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Recently, a somewhat forced mode of remote work (Home Office) causes some processes in the organization implemented on-site (in the place of their execution in the enterprise) become a threat to the entire organization. Inability to fully implement these processes remotely or to implement them on a part-time basis can cause far-reaching negative effects. Quality Control is one such process.
Can production quality control process be carried out in remote mode? Definitely YES! Quality control is a process consisting of many elements, which include, among others:
1. Implementation of physical control.
2. Digitization of control results.
3. Distribution of control results.
4. Analysis of control results.
5. Scheduling control tasks.
6. Update control scenarios.
7. Employee training - new procedures.
From the list above, only the first point must be implemented in a traditional way, i.e. on the spot. However, all other mentioned process elements (points 2 to 7) can be safely implemented in remote operation mode. How can you do it?
icmInspector system, i.e. a system that is designed to support organizations in all possible control processes, comes with help. icmInspector is a solution that does not require any integration with the domain systems used and can be implemented within 7 days.
Digitization of control results. Implementation of icmInspector system allows replacing all paper control forms with their electronic counterparts. Controls collects data using a mobile application for Android, which can work on any mobile phone or tablet. Data is automatically collected in electronic form. Of course, we must remember that since the persons supervising the control processes are not in the place of control, there may be potential irregularities consisting in carrying out the control in a different place than planned. icmInspector has special security features that ensure that control is carried out in the right place. Such safeguards include the need to collect the GPS controlling position, scan the NFC tag from a production machine or production socket, scan barcode or QR code, prepare photographic documentation.
Distribution of control results. Electronically collected data is immediately sent to icmInspector system server, which, according to the configured scenarios, notifies about the completion of the control process by all interested persons via email or SMS. Instantly, each person has access to the results of the control carried out in the form of a link to an HTML page, PDF or CSV (Excel) document. Time between the end of the control and access to results in electronic form is measured in seconds. The system will provide a tool for viewing the results of a single control and the opportunity to get acquainted with the results of multiple controls. No more waiting for scanned documents!
Control results anlysis. Analysis is a key element, apart from data collection itself, of control processes. Our solution is equipped with a configurable alarm module, thanks to which the persons responsible for analyzing the control results can focus only on events requiring reaction and the introduction of corrective actions. Alerts module independently analyzes the results of each control based on configured parameters and finds information in them that triggers e-mail or SMS notifications. Our solution informs all relevant persons about the occurrence of irregularities just a few seconds after the inspection, regardless of where they are.
Scheduling control tasks. Planning controls with dynamically changing resources requires a lot of time. Calendar module in icmInspector system automates these activities thanks to the possibility of dynamic assignment of control schedules to selected employees, their automatic planning ahead in time intervals of type day, week, month, quarter or even year. All work is done remotely and people to whom tasks have been assigned see them in their calendar in mobile application. Mobile application presents them a work plan for a given day with a hint of how much time is left to start each task and gives them the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the tasks for the next days.
Update of audit scenarios. Changes we encounter practically every day require our internal processes to be quickly modified. icmInspector, thanks to graphical control scenario configurator, will ensure the possibility of introducing changes in the procedure and distribution of its new version immediately. No more printing forms, their distribution, problems with data analysis from different versions of documentation. We can update the current scenarios with one click and the persons implementing them receive updates in the mobile application.
Staff training - new procedures. Scenario and procedural changes are sometimes so significant that they require training for those who implement them. In our solution, when building a new scenario, we have the ability to add graphic documentation and hints at each of its steps, thanks to which we significantly reduce training time. By adding a new step in the scenario, we can remotely add instructions for the person implementing it so that he has no doubt how to implement it.
The areas described above ensure that the organization is agile in terms of a changing environment. The number of people at the place of implementation of the control may be limited only to persons who carry out the control. Digitization of results, distribution, data analysis, planning, all this can be implemented. The implementation of this type of solution, besides ensuring organization continuity of operations, also gives powerful savings.
You can read about savings that icmInspector system provides in the next post on our blog. Follow our blog!